Captain Joseph John, a highly experienced counter intelligence operative, former Arabic linguist for the SEALS and who has been previously employed by DHS and the FBI, states that Obama’s actions in the Middle East are leading us all into World War III.
Obama’s policies with Iran, as guided by chief advisor Valerie Jarrett, who is Iranian and likely Muslim, will augment an already overheated situation in the region into global pandemonium. Specifically, due to Obama allowing Iran to become a nuclear power, he will very likely force Israel to commit a preemptive nuclear strike.
No surprise to me. And he’s fixing it so we’ll lose.
My ? is, why dont the top br$#%&!@*, still loyal to america, arrest ovomit, and start clearing out all of the enemies who have infiltrated our military and govt., why the hold up?
Obama is there because W Bush was that bad.
He is not only doing that but separating and contaminating America
TRUTH be told!!!
Oh! I get it…you guys think this is a VALID opinion…!
That’s probably his agenda, whence he will claim martial law.
Thanks you but this is not news to me. From the day he was first elected I have said that this is his agenda. Make us bankrupt, Make us weak by making us fight among ourselves and then try to disarm us and make our military weak ! His symphony is almost complete !! As our stupid elected officials stand by and watch !!
The military can arrest him. Whats the hold up?