Captain Joseph John, a highly experienced counter intelligence operative, former Arabic linguist for the SEALS and who has been previously employed by DHS and the FBI, states that Obama’s actions in the Middle East are leading us all into World War III.
Obama’s policies with Iran, as guided by chief advisor Valerie Jarrett, who is Iranian and likely Muslim, will augment an already overheated situation in the region into global pandemonium. Specifically, due to Obama allowing Iran to become a nuclear power, he will very likely force Israel to commit a preemptive nuclear strike.
Straight from Obama’s political godmother: ” I am Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. I am also an American citizen, and I seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country.” Jarett wrote in 1977, when she was attending Stanford University.” My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using “Freedom of Religion,” in America against itself.”
WE KNOW, Now ar e
Man cannot bring fourth Prophecy, we are not gods, however man can bring fourth his own demise by ignoring our past and not learning by our mistakes, Obama is guilty of turning the clock back at least 100 years to erase our progress as a civilized Nation, we must eradicate the Liberal’s from our Government and Educational Systems to reverse the damage they have caused, it is a long rode and we must fight to win..
I have seen this coming for several years. America will stand and fight, we have no other choice.
No arguement here…..
I’m so glad I didn’t vote for him either time.
Why is Obama not impeached yet ???????????
Hussein Ovomit is out to destroy us one way or another.
why havent these commanders etc impeached obama they can, but they keep letting him get by with things