Congressman Ron Paul is a hero to many liberty-loving Americans. His unswerving championship of the ideals of individual liberty, sound money, a non-interventionist foreign policy, small government living within its means, and a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution made him millions of friends as well as opponents.
His opponents worked to marginalize him by characterizing his principles as bizarre, out-dated, repressive, and unworkable. That said, just the fact that the man has principles he’s unwilling to compromise made him a rarity in Washington, a man of integrity in stark contrast to those representatives who are ready to sell out the country at the drop of a hat.
Ron now has a message for us. And when he speaks, it’s good to listen to what he has to say. More on page two.
Well they do have a terror alert in San Fransicko.
Obama is a Muslim operative trying to destroy the f***ing world! Look at what he’s done now!
US withdraws Aleppo proposals, says no consultations yet – Lavrov
Piece of left over trash
Obama is a criminal traitor and must be stopped at every turn.
#Congress, Neuter this Dog named Obama. Freeze everything related to him for 10 years.
Which former congressman
Been saying this myself so get ready…his last attempt at martial law
He was raised to hate America. His presidency reflects that.
Do not turn your your back on this trator, you will get a knife in it
F**k you obummer treasonous traitor Muslim$#%&!@*obummer get the$#%&!@*out of America racist traitor pig dictator