Congressman Ron Paul is a hero to many liberty-loving Americans. His unswerving championship of the ideals of individual liberty, sound money, a non-interventionist foreign policy, small government living within its means, and a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution made him millions of friends as well as opponents.
His opponents worked to marginalize him by characterizing his principles as bizarre, out-dated, repressive, and unworkable. That said, just the fact that the man has principles he’s unwilling to compromise made him a rarity in Washington, a man of integrity in stark contrast to those representatives who are ready to sell out the country at the drop of a hat.
Ron now has a message for us. And when he speaks, it’s good to listen to what he has to say. More on page two.
Trump won’t take your$#%&!@*for a minute!
I don’t put anything past Obama up to the very last second of his Presidency myself
It would not surprise me.
Swatch the snake while taking out the trash Trump
The shadow government exists. My dad was NSA, he warned me about it decades ago, mid 80s. Been awake for a long time. Just hope Trump can Drain the swamp. He will need as much support as he can get.
For only half black he sure is a 100 percent$#%&!@*!!$#%&!@*Obama!!!
Got that right!!! Bring it!!!
Nicholas Rodriguez
Yes he would do anything he can get by with it to bring down this country even more before he leaves. I sure don’t think he is going anywhere nor the left, that I can’t seem to wrap my head around with their thinking other then they truly want to try and kill this nation.
After all the damage that this Muslim has done to America you still allow him to carry on
And Filling is orders even you know it’s bad for America, how stupid can you be? You actually traitors to your country when you do it. !