Congressman Ron Paul is a hero to many liberty-loving Americans. His unswerving championship of the ideals of individual liberty, sound money, a non-interventionist foreign policy, small government living within its means, and a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution made him millions of friends as well as opponents.
His opponents worked to marginalize him by characterizing his principles as bizarre, out-dated, repressive, and unworkable. That said, just the fact that the man has principles he’s unwilling to compromise made him a rarity in Washington, a man of integrity in stark contrast to those representatives who are ready to sell out the country at the drop of a hat.
Ron now has a message for us. And when he speaks, it’s good to listen to what he has to say. More on page two.
Trump is smarter than the average person. He can see the whole picture and the pros and cons because he thinks like a business person. Politicians are only concerned with “how will this help me”.
I say name names. Doesn’t help us to not know who we are up against. I will say if I had wanted a continuation of Obama I would have voted Hillary. I don’t and I didn’t vote Hillary. I expect real change; a reverse in the direction we are going. No more globalism. America first.
Chris Leonard see you support blm guess we know who your kids fathers are
Skip Shoff lemme guess all lives matter?
You are a discusting person Obama and that includes Moochelle, in my opinion you were the worst president this country ever had. I cannot stand to see your name, see your smug dishonest face or hear your purple lips spew out lies and deceitful statements. January 20th, 2017 a new American Holiday = Make America Great Again.
Nothing would surprise me out of that evil little negro
I do not trust this Maggot I will not breathe easy until Trump takes office
Would this be the false flag that Russia hacked the election or is there going to be another mass execution?
Kings have been beheaded for less than what Obama and his minions have done to this country.
Arrest Obama