Congressman Ron Paul is a hero to many liberty-loving Americans. His unswerving championship of the ideals of individual liberty, sound money, a non-interventionist foreign policy, small government living within its means, and a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution made him millions of friends as well as opponents.
His opponents worked to marginalize him by characterizing his principles as bizarre, out-dated, repressive, and unworkable. That said, just the fact that the man has principles he’s unwilling to compromise made him a rarity in Washington, a man of integrity in stark contrast to those representatives who are ready to sell out the country at the drop of a hat.
Ron now has a message for us. And when he speaks, it’s good to listen to what he has to say. More on page two.
Truth and NO Action, Ron Paul goes to the curb also …EVERYONE in Congress is to never get another chance at what they have done the last 8 years…
Obama is a muslim traitor waging jihad on America! He should be arrested imediatly!
The dt is a far cry from top notch Ted Cruz. The lies and slander flipped would caused a yuge law suit.
Trump will crush him!!! Can’t wait!!!
Get the TRAITOR out now ! What the heck is taking so long ?? Common sense people !
As President in charge ” NOT Soon Enough” Said ” I WON’T LET YOU DOWN AMERICA! ” I Will Fight For All AMERICANS> NOT THOSE ILLEGAL OR THOSE ALLOWED IN By The leader of the soros / clinton / obama cult world foundation. ” LET’S MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ” For All AMERICANS. DON’T Love America Than Leave . TIME FOR A NEW CHAPTER IN AMERICAS MOVE INTO THE FUTURE>a new direction
Will Goss
Ron Paul has a warped sense of what America is. We don’t need his rantings.
Arrest Obama for treason