A false flag is an operation designed to seem like an attack, when actually it’s a contrived event created to allow the government, or whoever is creating the event, to achieve a specific, secretive aim.
For example, the Gulf of Tonkin incident has been declassified as a false flag in order to get the US into the Vietnam war.
Former CIA operative Robert David Steele tells us in the video below that the next false flag will be an Ebola simulated attack.
The objective? Of course, the economy is failing and our communist government needs to seize complete control. Martial law declared over an Ebola pandemic would certainly allow them to get their pieces in place.
You people need to wake up, Obama is not in charge of whats going on its was always your owm government, all presidents are puppets, the democratic and Republican parties are corrupt
i think enough people have had enough and if this corrupt treasonous government trys to implement martial law for any excuse they will facilitate an american second revolution !!!!
You guys are all retarded lol, this doesn’t benefit a country lol, it destroys the economy and brings less money from taxes to the govt. an ex cia spy wouldn’t know of any this, because that’s not how it works. Use your brains lol
No country would destroy itself on purpose lol.
“Our communist government??” Just stop it. Move to Russia, and enjoy Putin!
Anything is possible
Whether you believe or not, it’s all part of the End Times. God is always in control.
LOL, then what protects the conspirers from Ebola?