A false flag is an operation designed to seem like an attack, when actually it’s a contrived event created to allow the government, or whoever is creating the event, to achieve a specific, secretive aim.
For example, the Gulf of Tonkin incident has been declassified as a false flag in order to get the US into the Vietnam war.
Former CIA operative Robert David Steele tells us in the video below that the next false flag will be an Ebola simulated attack.
The objective? Of course, the economy is failing and our communist government needs to seize complete control. Martial law declared over an Ebola pandemic would certainly allow them to get their pieces in place.
they are looking for an excuse for marshal law.
Obama is already talking to other nations about OUR USA will become a muslim Nation and he does have help from the U.N. – right NOW
This could be Obama main killing machine. Our finest troop sent to this hell hole in Liberia to contact EMBOLA bring it back to the State and Infect more people thus over whelming our medical resources. Only Obama does this why.. Obama is a non America Muslim Marxists and a secret Manchurian candidate. Why does no one stop him.. Obama action could destroy America since 1 person =50 could be hundred thousands’. We cannot track all of them,.. All flight from Africa and Europe through Africa must be stopped. Get it at it source. AFRICA !!!.
I believe Rush when he says that obama is bringing people infected with ebola to the U.S as a payback for slavery. It sounds plausible.
It ain’t jus OBAMA it’s the who Government
It’s BIGGER THAN THAT, LangDoG! But you are right!
Me says:
“If your stats are correct why and how did did National Guardsmen from multiple states recently serve in Gulf and Iraq, not trying to upset anybody just curious”
From: http://www.truthandaction.org/former-cia-spy-next-false-flag-will-ebola-simulated-attack/comment-page-1/#comment-578380
I don’t know what this has too do with the 5,000 101st Airborne and marine in Africa to help with the EBOLA epidemic. If they get it and come back that will mean hundred of thousands’ of American getting it.
I dont think anyone on this list can even define communism…. Corporate profits are record high, and yet u call Obama a communist…. Back in 1969 we would have called him a moderate republican…. And that is how i know thus guy is demented…. Capitalists run this government, not communists