Former CIA Operative: Obama Admin ‘Manufactures’ Terror to Perpetuate War

Former CIA Operative: Obama Admin ‘Manufactures’ Terror to Perpetuate War

In the aftermath of the Orlando terrorist attack, Americans got yet another look at the Obama administration’s refusal to acknowledge the influence of radical Islam. Usually, they circumvent the topic with sly semantics or dodgy answers, but this week they truly hit a new low. When the transcripts of the 911 call made by Omar Mateen were released, the Justice Department completely expunged the terrorist’s pledge of allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS) from the record.

While many have justified the administration’s actions by claiming that they are done in good faith to protect the Muslim community, new reports suggest that the administration’s refusal to acknowledge the basic reasons behind terrorism is much more than a public facade — it is a moneymaking scam, as well.

This allegation comes to us from a  former CIA counterterrorism agent who has had enough with the lies spread by Obama and his CIA. See her shocking allegations on the next page:

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Former CIA Operative: Obama Admin ‘Manufactures’ Terror to Perpetuate War