For the first time in history, all three branches of American government are violating the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution by facilitating illegal surveillance, says Ray McGovern, a former CIA officer.
Pure and simple, we are living in a lawless society now, where the government makes up the rules as it goes along to suit its own agenda. For example, we just posted a story of how cops use a radar to effectively look into our homes while the courts have been quite permissive with its use.
this only happens because we allow it , STAND UP FOR OUR CONSTITUTION OR SOON YOU WILL HAVE NO RIGHTS
Thank you Mr. Snowden for making this administration transparent for the first time in six years.
Governments shouldn’t exist.
The problem is the feds are to big. They have taken so many of the states rights away from them. This is why the states need to have a revolution against the feds and take these rights back.
Sheriff Andy Taylor said it the best…..
you think
I can believe that!
If you are CIA, you should know.
The Constitution’s articles, and the subsequent Amendments, specify the prerogatives of the Feds. They are listed in Article I, Sec. 8; Articles II-V; Amendments XIII-XVI, XIX-XX, XXIII-XXVI. These prerogatives belong to one of the following categories:
1) Defense, war prosecution, peace, foreign relations, foreign commerce, and interstate commerce;
2) The protection of citizens’ constitutional rights (e.g the right to vote) and ensuring that slavery remains illegal;
3) Establishing federal courts inferior to the SCOTUS;
4) Copyright protection;
5) Coining money;
6) Establishing post offices and post roads;
7) Establishing a national set of universal weights and measures;
8 ) Taxation needed