For the first time in history, all three branches of American government are violating the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution by facilitating illegal surveillance, says Ray McGovern, a former CIA officer.
Pure and simple, we are living in a lawless society now, where the government makes up the rules as it goes along to suit its own agenda. For example, we just posted a story of how cops use a radar to effectively look into our homes while the courts have been quite permissive with its use.
coming around the mountain
Demoncrats worship King Barry and the muzzies he loves so much…!!!
I’m extremely glad that I am not a libtard that thinks this is true…!!!
I don’t like Boehner, etiher, he is not a conservative but a “sell-out” to his master, King Obama…!!!
Demoncrats nothing nothing about economics, nor ethics, but cater to low-lifes and illegals looking for “free-stuff”…!!!
47% of free-loaders pay no income tax, and 53% pay it all! Why? because conservatives work and liberals free-load, that’s why…!!!
This sounds exactly like the “Demoncrat” philosophy…!!!
They had their chance; neither is a conservative, and the one on the right is a real RINO and needs to join the “Demoncrat Party”…!!!
Now, being heavily-supported by Obummer & Co. with our tax $$$ and his muzzie friends…!!!
Nothing like “government-mandated healthcare” under a Marxist dictator, is there who lies, lies, and continues to lie about most everything…!!!