For the first time in history, all three branches of American government are violating the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution by facilitating illegal surveillance, says Ray McGovern, a former CIA officer.
Pure and simple, we are living in a lawless society now, where the government makes up the rules as it goes along to suit its own agenda. For example, we just posted a story of how cops use a radar to effectively look into our homes while the courts have been quite permissive with its use.
Corruption is rampant in the government
We need more of Andy of Mayberry instead of Barry of DC.
This is supposed to be a SURPRISE ? Our present criminal association is doing everything they can to turn our country into another third world muslim caliphate !!!
We need the AMERICAN people to stand up, write their Congress people so they know how many think this and many other actions are wrong and for them to find out how to correct what is being done. There are many lawyers in our Congress…read the Constitution first and then find people within Congress who feel the way Americans, not illegal immigrants, but Americans do on this issue and many others.
If no one knows what our fourth Amendment rights are. It’s illegal search and seizures without cause and have to a warrant. This means even our cell phones are private and especially our homes. The government has definitely over stepped their boundaries!!!!!!!!!
Given money we don’t have causes a deficit
Nothing is going to be done about any of it
Like I have been saying that for the ten years, lets kill tjem
A must watch video! America could learn a whole lot from the “Andy Griffith Show” simpler time in American history… I don’t believe progress was meant to trample all over our Constitution or Declaration of Independence!
Ok, now we know, who can stop all three branches? If they are all in on it, it doesn’t sould like anything can be done!