Former CIA Head Leon Panetta: Donald Trump is “collaborating with”, “aiding and abetting the enemy”

It’s all too obvous that Democrats favor political pusturing over national security. How else could one defend linking Trump to ISIS in the aftermath of the worst terrorist attack since 9/11?

“He’s not only accusing the president of the United States of treason and collaborating with the enemy, but in many ways what he’s saying about restricting Muslims from coming into this country, doing surveillance on Muslim mosques, is basically aiding and abetting the enemy at a time we ought to be unifying, working with the Muslim community, to try to protect against future attacks.” Panetta, also a former Secretary of Defense, added.

Panetta, who served as Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff from 1994 to 1997, was referring to Trump’s citing of a story that outlines how the Obama administration oversaw programs to train Syrian rebels. The rebels were part of known al Qaeda affiliates in Iraq, and eventually splintered off to form ISIS.

One would think that a man once tapped to head the CIA would have a less partial stance when it comes to international terror. Instead, it seems politics trumps all.

Source: Info Wars



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