Former Butler Comes Forward To Reveal Who Donald Trump Really Is

Rather than showing clips of SNL or crying over insults, CNN decided to interview a person who actually interacted with Donald Trump.

Tony Senecal delivered with style and grace what he thought about Donald Trump and complimented him on his generosity.

It was obvious from the first question that CNN wanted to take some jabs and was hoping for a crazy reaction but Senecal held his own.

The defining part of the interview was when the Senecal said Trump was a “nice man.” BAM! You can hear the CNN anchor practically moan the segment to a close because this was not what she wanted at all.

Other media outlets are howling over the interview, calling it a train-wreck and lampooning the laconic manner of Tony Senecal.

In some ways, the interview reveals more about the media gunning for Trump far more than it reveals about Mr. Trump himself.

Watch the video:



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