The emergence of billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump as a political force and leader of a new America First movement has shaken traditional Republicans to their core.
First, they had to deal with the rise of the Tea Party, which brought a new core of activists into the GOP. Now with Trump in the White House, the party establishment is having a difficult time accepting the new reality, even while the GOP enjoys its greatest success since the days of Ronald Reagan.
What’s surprising is how the election of Donald Trump energized a new base of Republicans, many of whom previously voted Democrat or were part of the Silent Majority that lost faith in GOP leaders like John McCain and Mitt Romney.
The Never Trumpers were very vocal in their opposition to President Trump during his campaign for the presidency, and still speak out with an increasingly bitter tone. On the next page, find out the former Reagan and Bush official who appears to have gone completely around the bend.
Slap this Idiot
This foul mouthed$#%&!@*needs to shut up & go back to the nursing home.
Bruce Bartlett, 65, first served as a domestic policy advisor to President Reagan, and then became was deputy assistant secretary for economic policy in the Treasury Department, a position he continued in during the administration of President George H.W. Bush.
More name calling by a Liberal moron, you are the one singling out people, so that makes you the racist. America would be a much better place to live if all Liberals would just vanish from the earth.
LOL…..maybe that is why I opened my home to a mentally ill young lady whose family had put her out on the streets…..she just happens to be black but I guess I didn’t know I was suppose to ignore her because of that. You sir are a fool and filled with hatred and I hope you find deliverance from those things.
I must the .001%, because I respect anyone who respects me.
When you have NO plans, when you have NO answers, when the other person is successful, when you have NO facts or data, your mind becomes numb and you blurt out the racism card. That is how the DemocRAT Party operates. Oh Yeah, you have to call people names as well using as much vile and foul mouth words that you can think of.
Wow,stupid is as stupid does.. this Deep State establishment moron proves he a complete idiot and fool.. One of the Bush’s New World Order men flunkies meaning One World Government globalist … Rino Pony !