Zach Taylor, a 27 year veteran border patrol agent, states that the border crisis is part of an overall asymmetrical warfare strategy being conducted against the United States.
Asymmetrical warfare in this context essentially describes how America is being subverted ‘from within’.
In this video Taylor describes how the influx of illegals coming across the border is a mask for ‘something else’ that is happening.
See Page 2 For More Info + Video:
Former Border Agent States America Is Under Attack
The government invited the illegals here, concentrated them into one place (Rio Grande Valley), moved all resources there and have left the rest of border wide open for anyone to come in.
Personnel, infrastructure, weapons, etc are being move across the open border while everyone’s attention is being focused on ‘the illegal minors’, which actually constitute a very small percentage of the illegals.
In the video Zach also covers the threat of disease, criminal illegals and how FEMA is preparing for 200 million deaths.
This guy could careless for anyone but his own self absorbed thinking
So if & when we rise up does that mean we give up financial security with careers ,jobs,families, to fight for this country & behind our loved ones????? Talk to me I wanna know the rise plan I’m tired of the tyranny!!
Glad On my way! one is speaking out,,me sue need to do something don’t seem like voting is not enough any more
I said America stupid not country.
In order Carter first
They think we are stupid.not so, we have been fully aware of what they are trying to do to to destroy our beloved country. We will fight back!!!!
How long do we listen?
How long will you listen to the devil’s lies?
God is life. The devil is death.
And it is written the devil would wish to rise above God, to be worshipped as God, his goal from the Garden of Eden, establishing his New World Order, where he is worshipped, and God is not worshipped, or mentioned, or remembered. He would co-opt every facet, the Government, the Media, Education, the Ministry, etc., everything, imbuing all with Political Correctness, the control of Speech, and concomitant thought and action, a worldwide system of control, forcing adherence to the pronouncements and decrees of the New World Order. He will destroy all that he touches, and all who follow him. He finds the Israeilis, and the Middle-Eastern Christians, and America, and Texas to be in his way and he wishes to destroy them, especially white Americans. He wishes them dead. And he wishes for their souls.
We consider the metabolic process called Glycolysis, and the white muscle fibers in the breasts of chickens, and quail, and the legs of world-class sprinters, and NFL running backs, and, also, we consider the existence of the Israelis, God’s Chosen People, and we consider that the devil lied, and decreed that difference, and inherent superiority, does not exist, and that the contention for difference and superiority is disallowed, and that there are no differences among the races, that all of the world is the same, and that there is only one world race. (And now he has pronounced that the border of America, and Texas, are racist, playing his Race Card in an effort to destroy them, and how do they exist if there is no border, and has he not already accomplished his goal, to destroy America and Texas?)
In agreement with the devil’s decree the devil pronounced there were no differences between men and women, and that animals have rights equivalent to humans. And, also, that man is not above creation, but subservient to Creation, and of less value than Creation, and that population should be controlled for the sake of the Creation that is not maintained by a God that does not exist, anyway. He prepared his labels for those who would contend for the word of God, “racist,” “sexist,” “specieist,” etc.
The devil is a continual liar and his pronouncements and decrees always contradict the word of God which is the truth. The devil hates the word of God and must flee from it, and it is the word of God which will reveal the lies and the ploys of the devil.
And lies always have an ulterior motive. The part of the story the shyster salesman forgot to mention. Ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden about it.
The devil decreed the contention of difference and superiority, by definition, Racism, was disallowed. But then he also decreed that since one would be racist if he would not reject superiority, he would also be racist if he would not accept the mutually exclusive category, inferiority, and that one will be deemed racist if he will not agree that he owes,and must pay, and that in general one must denigrate himself, and his country and his God, and must apologize.
And so we have the Non-Scriptural Decree of the New Order, The Decree, the lie, the devil’s decree, the devil’s stronghold in the minds of white people after indoctrination, and the mantra of all the Godless horde (those apart from God), that
“You owe, and you must pay, for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.”
The Decree is called the “Non-Scriptural” Decree because it is NOT from the word of God, and it is NOT from God. Yet it IS the mantra of all the Godless horde, including the ACLU, and the white liberals and those who receive, all of those who have rejected the word of God and blindly plead the devil’s arguments. The Decree is printed EXACTLY on the signs held by the Mexican invaders, and according to The Decree, the definition of Racism is broadened such that
Racism is defined as the failure of white people to pay (“for you will be racist if you will not pay”).
He who will not accept The Decree will be deemed racist.
The Race Card, the accusation of Racism is the magick talisman that is focused and shined on the devil’s decree, the devil’s stronghold in the minds of white people. He who accepts The Decree, that “he owes and must pay,” so that he will not be deemed Racist, MUST pay (“for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist”). But there are no stipulations on what is owed, or how long the debt will last. He who accepts The Decree owes anything and everything, forever.
The Race Card IS The Card the Godless horde does not leave home without, for what the debtor is charged is solely dependent on what the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, wishes to charge, and they owe nothing in return. The debt will last forever, and he will still owe, even in hell. And ask the man-in-the-street if REPARATIONS will settle the debt. Or ask Harry Reid if “Redskins,” will end the debt. Or if we will not soon be asked to pay the Cleveland “Indians.” Or the Dallas “Cowboys.” Ask him if paying the provision of Free Speech in the Constitution will settle the debt, and the insatiable appetite of the New World Order for control. The debt never ends and one will owe in hell. He will pay for all of eternity.
If one would stand forth to speak the truth, he should speak the truth. Ask The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, if anyone can be racist other than white people. Ask Oprah. According to the devil’s decree, white people, and in particular, white Americans, owe all the rest of the non-white world. And ask those from one-hundred and fifty countries who have crossed the Rio Grande. Ask Obama as he gives to the illegal the free, plane ticket to the resort in Hawaii.
The devil can take your country, and your life, and your soul, if you agree that you owe and must pay the Godless horde, and him, anything and everything, forever.
The white liberals, those who have rejected the word of God, and who blindly proffer satan’s arguments vociferously agree with The Decree, and furiously play their Race Cards, their accusations of Racism, at any who would contend that he does not owe, contending that one is never allowed to criticize their hallowed gods of Racism and the New World Order, and that one is only allowed to praise the Godless horde and their gods, if he would be allowed to speak at all. The liberal “Christians” and those who receive say the same. Screaming that one must adhere to political correctness, even as the cities burn, and as Obama stands against the Israelis, God’s Chosen People, and is cursed by God, Himself.
O’ Whore, White Sheople Christians? Is it really true that you cannot criticize he who is cursed by God? Ask the vaunted Illuminati woman, Oprah, who denies Christ, and says all the white racists must die, and says it is racism to criticize Obama, and so you would only be allowed to praise him, if you would be allowed to speak at all. Obama who agrees that all the white racists need to die? Praising as you are killed? Worshipping as you are murdered? Slavery. Worship. IDOLOATRY!
And you can ask Joel Osteen about it, as he calls Obama a “good Christian,” Obama, who is cursed by God. And the devil’s goal is in sight now, for he would rise above God to be worshipped as God, and it is not a small thing to note that he who will not worship is deemed worthy of death.
Ask The Teacher of the Year at Duncanville High School, outside of Dallas, TX, as she says you do not have the right to speak of the Ferguson rioters, and proffers the rope, and the pistol, and screams at you to commit suicide, saying “dumb, duck-ass crackers, go kill yourselves.”
Ask the Ferguson rioters, as they burn the city down, and as they say you cannot speak of the matter, and that you can only praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all. Ask Joel Osteen about them. Or Garth Brooks.
Ask the lover of money, the traitor, The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, as he stands with his new allies, the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, and against us, and America, and God. As he tells you the cities he will burn, he, and the federal government, and the Trayvon Road Crew, tying the hands of the police and enabling the rioters. As he tells you what your rights are ,and what you are allowed to say, and plays his Race Card, his accusation of Racism, and says it is racist for you to speak of the matter. And expecting to be paid. With silence. As the cities burn. Ask the Ferguson police about it. Or the governer of Missouri.
O’ Whore, White, Sheople Christians? You must praise Obama? As you limp, bare footed, across the broken glass and the broken concrete of your burned cities, whining and crying and jostled along by the Godless horde to your deaths. Whoring after your gods, owing and paying, and whimpering. Worshipping them. Whores. Slaves. IDOLATERS!
Revelation 22:8-10: ” 8I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things. 9But he said to me, “Do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. Worship God.” 10And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.”
There is a reason that John’s angel would not let John worship him: He did not want John–AND HIMSELF–to go to hell. Another angel made that mistake. His name is satan, and he still wishes for worship today.
And satan is getting worship for the Godless horde, and himself. And he will take people to hell for that. And The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton left that part of the story out when he told you that you did not have the right to discuss these matters, wishing to quell discussion–and consideration–of the ploy the devil would use to deceive the whole world and drag them into hell. Those who pay ANYTHING to those who claim they are owed ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, FOREVER, will go to hell. FOREVER. AND those paid will go with them.
It is his FIRST COMMANDMENT for a reason, and he is really, really serious about it: God says “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”
God CANNOT stand for us, if we will worship others.
God requires His Chosen People, the Israelis, to wish for their lives, and fight for their survival. Will he require less of us?
By the grace of God, we stand with Israel against our common enemy, and the enemy of our God. God DEMANDS that we wish for our lives, and that we fight for our survival, and the survival of America and Texas. And Ferguson, Missouri.
For dead men do not stand in the gap against evil, speaking the truth of God’s word; nor do they fulfill the Great Commission.
God says come out from among them, and touch not the evil thing, the idolatry.
So that God CAN stand for us.
As to whether you die, the devil says “What difference does it make?”
But God does not look for those who wish to die for Him; God looks for those who wish to LIVE for Him.
Again, we are told we must disparage ourselves, and our country, and our God. That we owe, and must pay, and must worship these others, and the devil, himself.
And that we cannot have Christmas.
But Jesus paid the price so that we would owe no man or god. He could not be bought (satan tried), and threats were useless against Him (ask the Pharisees, or Herod, or Pilate), and He who gives the Great Commission would certainly not pay His right to speak.
Our jealous God did not make us debtors to the Godlesse horde, and the devil, himself, owing them what God requires for Himself.
It is written “Let those who love the Lord hate evil.” The devil fervently wishes that you fear him, and so we see there is a reason his servants are called “terrorists,” but we see that fear is the wrong emotion for them. And it is also written that a lake of fire is prepared for coward, and that the unprofitable servant will be cast into outer darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
God says fear God. God says we do not owe. God says we will not pay. God says we will not worship others. God says we will listen to no reason to disobey Him, including the Race Card and The Decree, and we can consult the word of God and ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden, if anything bad might happen if you would do so. God says you will go to hell, if you do so. God says we can go to hell if we pay, and that those we pay are going with us.
The devil knows psychology, and he knows how to destroy. A people and a country. And he will continually criticize and deride, but he wants most of all that you would criticize yourself. And it is he who will finally stand before you, and proffer the rope, and the pistol, and scream that you must commit suicide, if you will listen to him.
But how long will he remain, the football coach who continually disparages his team, and yells at them to apologize for themselves? How many games will they win? And how long will a country, and a people remain who listens to such?
How long will we listen to the lies of the devil? How long will we pay him?
It is a hallmark of the devil that the guilty accuse the innocent, and as the participants of the White Privilege Conference, who are accorded privilege by the world, the Affirmative Action, and one-sided hate laws, and the Multiculturalism Department, and are accorded these because the devil, himself, says they are owed, these participants, and the devil, himself, accuse whites for the privilege that comes from God. But the devil HATES anything that is of God.
As the liberal shills of the devil are anxious to do his will, anxious to cajole and indoctrinate, and as Chris Matthews apologizes that God made him white.
The devil will be furious if you shout with me, and his liberals shills will be apoplectic, and furiously playing their Race Cards, but ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden, if anything bad might happen if you will do ANYTHING they want.
But I do not care if they scream Racism, and play their Race Cards, and scream “haters gonna hate,” and “you don’t like me because I am black,” until they fall down and turn purple and die.
It is not Agape Love to pay to another so that both of you will go to hell. And I do not HAVE to like you BECAUSE you are black, as you burn the cities down, or enable your spiritual brethren to chop the heads from little kids and cut the throats of their mothers, as Obama does. I do NOT owe you.
I owe God. No one else.
And so will you please join with me and SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!
And the devil, and the Godless horde, says I must pay Christmas? I will not pay Christmas.
Please remember these four words: WE DO NOT OWE!
And join with me, please, and shout it from the rooftops:
Republican paranoia.
Lock and load folks we going to need all the firepower we can get if you don’t have some you better get some