Zach Taylor, a 27 year veteran border patrol agent, states that the border crisis is part of an overall asymmetrical warfare strategy being conducted against the United States.
Asymmetrical warfare in this context essentially describes how America is being subverted ‘from within’.
In this video Taylor describes how the influx of illegals coming across the border is a mask for ‘something else’ that is happening.
See Page 2 For More Info + Video:
Former Border Agent States America Is Under Attack
The government invited the illegals here, concentrated them into one place (Rio Grande Valley), moved all resources there and have left the rest of border wide open for anyone to come in.
Personnel, infrastructure, weapons, etc are being move across the open border while everyone’s attention is being focused on ‘the illegal minors’, which actually constitute a very small percentage of the illegals.
In the video Zach also covers the threat of disease, criminal illegals and how FEMA is preparing for 200 million deaths.
then border patrol do something novel like patrol the border and stop them earn your paycheck for christ sake.
they aren’t allowed to do anything to stop them. they have been told to just stand down
Jimmie G Walker I love your post
they refer to washington as a modern day rome/olympus
I don’t know why people waiting for moore?Is nothing really to do about? ?he can’t be president any moore ??
YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO THIS AGENT! He explains the border crisis, the criminals, the weapons, and much more about what is happening there! WOW! WATCH!!
we need to get our congressmen to get off thier ass and worry about America instead of the middle east
Here is just the tip of the iceberg of the real truth. Are your CHILDREN at risk? How many infected illegal aliens go to school with your children? Prepare.Prepare. Prepare.
We can thanks this because of this ridiculous political correct mind set BS.
fact. all staged by the democratic party who is selling out America.
Yes we are, and our commander in chief is so busy playing golf, he can’t see it.