Zach Taylor, a 27 year veteran border patrol agent, states that the border crisis is part of an overall asymmetrical warfare strategy being conducted against the United States.
Asymmetrical warfare in this context essentially describes how America is being subverted ‘from within’.
In this video Taylor describes how the influx of illegals coming across the border is a mask for ‘something else’ that is happening.
See Page 2 For More Info + Video:
Former Border Agent States America Is Under Attack
The government invited the illegals here, concentrated them into one place (Rio Grande Valley), moved all resources there and have left the rest of border wide open for anyone to come in.
Personnel, infrastructure, weapons, etc are being move across the open border while everyone’s attention is being focused on ‘the illegal minors’, which actually constitute a very small percentage of the illegals.
In the video Zach also covers the threat of disease, criminal illegals and how FEMA is preparing for 200 million deaths.
This guy certainly has the credentials and the background to know what he’s talking about. This government is corrupt from beginning to end and is complicit, as a group in the agenda to overthrow this constitutional republic and replace it with a communist regime. We have seen all the warning signs, attacks on our economy by the government, support of those groups we should be defending against. attacks on religion and education, the governments hoarding of ammunition and assault weapons, the orchestrated attacks on our borders and the total lack of response from this government.
And our elected official are to stupid to do anything about it. Socialist liberals in the democrat party are destroying our nation and the republicans are to afraid to confront them.
Throwing all the name calling out there will not get people to listen to you. Want to be taken seriously? Grow up
God Bless America !!!!!!
what is happening is that the illegals will be spread amound the republican states to alter the electoral college vote. Voter Manipulation. if this is allowed, the next thing obama will do is try to become a three term president, from there is all downhill.
Will always have doubters and the will be collateral victims. We need to get them out of our way early.
He will never make 3 terms even if I have to put on a suicide vest
THEN WHY SEE top republican “LEADERS” stand up and do something? OH that’s right, they might lose their congressional job and pension. SO glad they can sell out our country for pension
yes wake up america and start take this country back