Zach Taylor, a 27 year veteran border patrol agent, states that the border crisis is part of an overall asymmetrical warfare strategy being conducted against the United States.
Asymmetrical warfare in this context essentially describes how America is being subverted ‘from within’.
In this video Taylor describes how the influx of illegals coming across the border is a mask for ‘something else’ that is happening.
See Page 2 For More Info + Video:
Former Border Agent States America Is Under Attack
The government invited the illegals here, concentrated them into one place (Rio Grande Valley), moved all resources there and have left the rest of border wide open for anyone to come in.
Personnel, infrastructure, weapons, etc are being move across the open border while everyone’s attention is being focused on ‘the illegal minors’, which actually constitute a very small percentage of the illegals.
In the video Zach also covers the threat of disease, criminal illegals and how FEMA is preparing for 200 million deaths.
9/11 was an inside job Scherrie and now maybe yous Americans know how it feels to have illegals occupying your country like Palestine,irag,Afghanistan…. Do you notice a theme here??
Very brave ! This is what we have been hearing from our border patrol agents and seeing come across the Texas border- people need to wake up and review agenda 21 and take a good look around….
Spread us thin, they still won’t win!
Agree! Now Let’s STOP IT!
VOTING, it matters!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha, that’s a gud von!
we need, someone in the legal field, to write a document, by the citizens, and for the citizens of the United States of America, Demanding ! that the president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, and the vice president United States of America Joseph Biden, any attorney general of the United States of America, Eric Holder, be removal from public office, and the highest ranking general of the United States of America, take temporary command of the United States of America, until a emergency election,is held for a new president and vice president, and a new attorney general,can be elected and appointed to office by the citizens of the United States of America. This document after all the signatories are collected, should be sent to every governor, every Sen., and every congressman, and also to the Supreme Court, This Would Not Be A Request By The Citizens Of The United States of America,But A Demand !
Who did not know that this is an invasion?
By any chance are there a hoard of Muslims coming into this country under cover? Wouldn’t surprise me.
Gotta see te BIGGER PICTURE people !
It’s as plain as the nose on michelle.