“The new Constitution is ready to go and they only need the right incident to bring it down.”
“We’re not very far away from an event which you would call martial law. That term will never be used, by the way, ’emergency police powers’ will be”
Sgt. Major Dan Page, a former Army Ranger, pulls no punches in stating what is about to take place in this country.
He is bringing the UN in. They already have light armored tanks here. Our forces won’t disarm America, its against the constitution. And military leaders at the highest levels will refuse to.
I would take Sarah over OBAMA in a heartbeat !!! She is an American and loves her COUNTRY unlike DICKHEAD OBAMA!!!. He is a traitor to this country , Not an American but a MUSLIM and is EVIL!!!!
You left out Against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Molon Labe.
Jordan Meyer, Joseph Aranda, Robert Bergeron, Suzanne Hetchler. When this $hit happens it will be my duty to kill anyone that comes my way. Just saying…
Scary! And no one seems to care!
First of all. if, if the current administration declared Martial law. they have just over thrown the Fed Government. which makes them domestic enemies of the U.S. and have given up their legal right to Govern.Therefore, they have no power to dictate policy any longer. the Constitution gives them the right to Govern, without it, they have no basis to control the Country. Only the states will have legal jurisdiction.
krychick says:
“1200 years, Karen Elder? Math has never been my strong suit but history says our nation was born in 1776, so that would mean our great country is 239 years old in 2015. The members of the Constitutional Convention signed the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787, which means we’ve been under its rule for 228 years this year.”
From: http://www.truthandaction.org/former-army-ranger-far-martial-law-20152016/comment-page-1/#comment-929200
No sir, you are right…
Never fergit. WE WIN ! ! !
It’s time for a strong leader to quietly take over the government from this traitor