In the midst of Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign, former alleged mistress of Bill Clinton, Sally Miller, left a startling Facebook post to her readers hinting at concerns over “deadly coincidences”. Obvious to Miller is the Clinton’s hunger to advance their political careers by any means possible. That is why Miller reached out to Facebook to let her readers know, “In this election year, if you read I died…by committing suicide…don’t believe it.”.
Miller chose to elaborate her concenrs explaning that there is an odd amount of people to whom she has no relationship, men stopping her on the street for directions or contacting her by any means for a date, visit, or interview. Miller claims to be recieving unknown phone calls that leave no voicemail, and also claims that the same two car’s with tinted windows keep driving past her home.
If Hilary is past the fear of Miller writing further on the alleged affair she had with Bill Clinton, then what is Miller’s postion for writing such dark posts’?
Find out on page 2
wake up they do die over politics just look up this couples evil past and you see the truth covered up folks.
That was smart or her to do that so people would know.
It tis a might chilly today…..that is such a coomon name you have Miller-purdue correct?
However, I am unsure of the political arena you bring forth…just sayin
History shows that anyone crossing Killery they have a good chance of disappearing without a trace. Happened too many times to be coincidence. After all these years there are still people saying the same things they did at the time of the accusations. Killery did a lot of illegal things to protect Billy and get them to the White House. Now she’s up to her old tricks, she will do whatever is necessary to be elected president. She is in league with Soros and Islam leaders through her “f**e” foundation. She has already sold her soul to the devil but when can we hope he will collect.?
i am not liking or sharing……that is all these idiots want is free publicity
Them Clintons know how to hunt too…
i am going to Arkansas, wishful thinking……………
Hope she has better luck than Vince Foster
I fkn hate them
Oh they will die