Foreign Workers Take 100,000 White-Collar Jobs Every Year Over 85,000 Annual Cap

Immigration Program Placates Wall Street

The program is a scam that hugely underestimates the total number of legal immigrants and makes the universities and associated businesses happy with cheap, well educated labor that often never leaves the U.S.

The universities’ off-the-books H-1B1 hires include 21,754 professors, lecturers and iinstructors, 20,566 doctors, clinicians and therepists, 25,175 researchers, post-docs and biologists, plus 30,000 financial planners, p.r. experts, writers, sports coaches, designers, accountants, economists, statisticians, lawyers, architects, computer experts and much else. The universities have zero legal obligation to recruit Americans for these jobs.

These white-collar guest-workers are not immigrants — they are foreign professionals hired at low wages for six years to take outsourced, white-collar jobs in the United States. Many hope to stay in the United States, but most guest-workers return home after six years.

These white-collar guest-workers are the fastest-growing portion of the nation’s unrecognized workforce of roughly 1.25 million foreign college-grade temporary-workers, and they’s replacing experienced American professionals — plus their expensively educated children, and the upwardly striving children of blue-collar parents — in the declining number of jobs that can provide a rewarding and secure livelihood while the nation’s economy is rapidly outsourced, centralized and automated.

The American professionals who are displaced from these prestigious university jobs don’t just go into the woods and die. They flood down into other sectors, such as advocacy and journalism, or step down to lower-tier colleges and companies, where the additional labor-supply drives down white-collar wages paid by other employers.

Basically, universities are free to hire as many H-1Bs as they like, anytime in the year, for any job that requires a college degree.

The university exemption is so broad that for-profit companies can legally create affiliates with universities so they can exploit the universities’ exemption to hire cheap H-1B professionals. From 2011 to 2014, for example, Dow Chemical, Amgen, Samsung and Monsanto used the university exemption to hire 360 extra H-1B professionals outside the 85,000 annual cap.

In an economy that is lagging, with tens of thousands of collage graduates destined to work in low level jobs outside of their fields of study, it is outrageous that Wall Street and the universities can dictate to Congress a program that is for their exclusive benefit and to the detriment of American college graduates. And of course there is not much reported about this scheme because it is a fraud perpetrated by both Democrats and Republicans, in concert with the institutions that care only about seeking cheap labor and expertise rather than the good of the whole nation. It is a scandal, with no one demanding reform.

In addition, the L-1 visa program accepts 70,000 foreign managers and executives to work in the private sector for up to seven years, meaning that between 300,000 and 400,000 foreign workers are here earning a good living, while the white collar segment of many businesses has been battered and destroyed. There is a host of other programs, all of which are making it more difficult for American born workers to make a good living or even to find a good job. Several other immigration programs help guarantees that the American worker gets forced out, and the government is playing patty-cake with all of the employers in on the scheme. You can follow the link below to learn more about the various programs and their effect on wages and jobs. It is an outrage, with no real reporting being published, and no solution in sight.




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