According to a study done using the data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday, the number of immigrant people employed in the United States increased again last month, while the number of native-born Americans declined. The cause of this can be any number of things, from cheaper labor to people being lazy. It also raises a concern for any future immigration policies put into effect by the left. if these numbers are any indication of what happens when the work force is oversaturated with foreign workers, we could be seeing the beginning of a steady decline in the American workforce.
Read more about these numbers on the next page.
So wrong!!
Thanks Jim!
To The Peo[le Who Voted Liberal And Lost Their Job: You voted this piece of foreign.shitte on two occasions and now you’re crying about his policiesNext election, use your heads.
The Employers who ARE Employing these immigrants Over our Legal American Citizens: Should be FINED or Pay HIGHER TAXES for their UNPATRIOTIC ACTIONS!
Of course because its better than where they came from. Meet the replacement workers for the Americans that don’t deserve good jobs. Remember that statement from one of your politicians? If you want living wage you better just go die because these people will work for less for a while. This is better than where they’ve come from and you Americans are sold out by your government, corporations, unions and investors. The next civil war is coming. Just remember your fellow american isn’t the Enemy.
Close the borders. All of them. Start deporting.
Just what he wants..
W T F ?
This is so wrong! Disney and the others that have done this should be fined and have to send them back!