Angela Merkel has taken second place on Forbes’ list of “World’s Most Powerful People,” knocking Barack Obama into third place.
Winning her third four-year term as Chancellor of what the magazine calls “Europe’s most vibrant economy” in December 2014, [Angela Merkel] became the longest-serving elected European Union leader.
Forbes gives Mrs Merkel national and international plaudits, saying she fought off a national recession and remains “in the thick of trying to help Greece revive its economy”. She is also given credit for “breaking the post-Nazi-era taboo of direct involvement in military actions” by arming Kurdish fighters against Islamic State. In addition she receives praise for her shuttle diplomacy in trying to broker a peace deal for the Russia-Ukraine crisis with the number one on the list – Vladimir Putin.
Regarding President Obama’s slip, Forbes says that despite the U.S. remaining “the world’s greatest economic, cultural, diplomatic, technological and military power”, as he nears the end of his presidency “it’s clear his influence is shrinking, and it’s a bigger struggle than ever to get things done”. Domestic approval ratings consistently falling below 50 per cent, and being outshone by Mrs. Merkel in Europe and outmanoeuvred by Mr. Putin in the Middle East, do nothing to help Mr. Obama’s position.
Source: Breitbart
The struggle for Barrack Obama to get anything done is well known by most US citizens. While he’s adept at satisfying his own authoritarian, petty, discriminatory desires, he’s been abysmal as President.
Scandal after scandal has shown irrefutably that Barrack Obama is without a doubt one of the most terrible Presidents yet inflicted on the American populace. One would expect his third-place position to perhaps humble him, but the fact that he’s so close to the end of his presidency may absolve him in his own eyes.
Of course, to the rest of us, he’s been dead last in almost every list, except for most incompetent and most damaging. In those lists, he’s been running first year after year.
They were paid.
And tell me again, what did he do to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize??? What a joke—
forbes is in the tank with Obama an always has been
This is toooooo funny! Obama behind Putin is no news. Forbes rated the most powerful based on their ability to do whatever they want, whenever thay want, with no care for consequences. He is 2nd behind ANGELA MERKEL! He is only slightly ahead of POPE FRANCIS who is in 4th place! What a humiliation. Far cry from when he went on the world stage with his arrogant American Apology Tour. He bowed to everyone but Burger King. Now we see what a stunning loser he really is. Time to buy a polyester matching pants suit like Angela and Hillary.
Feed his ego make him think more highly of himself than he already does! Words are cheap!
He must be pretty powerful to get by with all of the c**p he does.
High ranking my azz. WORST PRESIDENT in history