Obama is creating an ‘online police state’ with his updates to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). Obama states he will ‘modernize laws’ to help protect citizens.
However, what he is actually doing is creating updates to CFAA that are so vague that it criminalizes the slightest association with illegal activity.
For example, someone could hack into a website and obtain information, place that on their website and if you click a link leading to that site, you could be found guilty of a criminal act.
It’s important to oppressive regimes that they be able to dig up dirt on anyone they wish to persecute.
Time to fight old $#%&!@* Obama
Obama will never cross that red line as we all have seen. He will just say sorry for offending you.
Thos muslim SOB has to be hanged for his treason.
Over view action
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….they are saying bad things about me…ARREST THEM!!!
Obama has created a police state or police country
This is also tied to Jade Helm. Programs designed to find cyber villains before they commit real crime. In the Military aspect, the program will tell troops who to attack, and where enemy activity is.
This is quite paradoxical coming from the biggest crook in the country!