For those practising radical Islam, the greatest glory is annihilating yourself and taking as many innocents as you can with you.
Here is a prime example. Video footage following details the final moments of a reluctant teenage suicide bomber who burst into tears when ordered to blow himself up during an attack on a village.
Despite his pronounced fear of dying, Uzbek national Jafar al-Tayyar is told to drive an armored vehicle packed with explosives into the besieged villages of Fua and Kafriyeh. Of course, the gray beards ordering him to do so would never have undertaken the job themselves.
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Lol tell that to the Mexican border
look at the cursing words of your fellow man? are these the kind of people who have earned the right to make decisions in ‘who is civilised and who isnt’? read these comments, only talking about pigs and goats? while our blood is flowing freely and our children cannot play in the streets, because not just one force is blmbing and shooting but many……night time, our houses are blown up, day times schools and hospitals
U think ur gonna sneak in with the refugees?? I hope so.. don’t forget the percentage of Americans that are armed.. we wouldn’t even need our military our citizens could handle it on their own.
That hasn’t helped you so far.
wtf is wrong with these people
this is your peace? humanity? this child can still smile….you guys? violance and ignorance to anything you dont understand….blacks muslims, china people, anyone?? 100s years of war….and for what?
Plus I don’t think I’m sneaking in anywhere
everyday like this photo………….this is terrorism at its worst level.
Of course not guns aren’t allowed on planes.
These people are cowards