For those practising radical Islam, the greatest glory is annihilating yourself and taking as many innocents as you can with you.
Here is a prime example. Video footage following details the final moments of a reluctant teenage suicide bomber who burst into tears when ordered to blow himself up during an attack on a village.
Despite his pronounced fear of dying, Uzbek national Jafar al-Tayyar is told to drive an armored vehicle packed with explosives into the besieged villages of Fua and Kafriyeh. Of course, the gray beards ordering him to do so would never have undertaken the job themselves.
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and abu grain may be gone, but we are still being raped and torchered, NOT by our own, but by YOU guys
YOU havnt even seen your own world never mind mine
we will not forget….i cant even breath when i remember it
what a f—ed religion
I see a rape? I stop the man doing it- white, black, red, tan, orange or purple- No equivocation- even if it means he dies. No mater what country he is from-And if what you say is true, write a letter to the commander of those men-
send me a copy… rape is NOT tolerated by the UCMJ- the United Code of Military Justice- and I will assure you, they will be punished
A culture of death following their god Satan.
Make no mistake- the mujaheddin is a fine soldier- motivated, capable, and usually well-trained. What we need is another Sula Huddein – he was a reasonable man, a king among the Arab people, willing to work for the common good of all
If they’re so happy with where they are then why have they spread all through out non Muslim European countries and threw crybaby protests when said countries don’t follow or comply with Islamic policies and beliefs? If 100,000 Jewish ppl migrated to Pakistan, would they be welcomed with happy parades and huge come on on signs or would they be met with hate and violence?