For those practising radical Islam, the greatest glory is annihilating yourself and taking as many innocents as you can with you.
Here is a prime example. Video footage following details the final moments of a reluctant teenage suicide bomber who burst into tears when ordered to blow himself up during an attack on a village.
Despite his pronounced fear of dying, Uzbek national Jafar al-Tayyar is told to drive an armored vehicle packed with explosives into the besieged villages of Fua and Kafriyeh. Of course, the gray beards ordering him to do so would never have undertaken the job themselves.
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Read the article and he said he was crying because he was scared of the Devil, and not successful.
Too bad they all didn’t go with him chicken-shits
poor kid, obviously he didn’t want to do it, why couldn’t they have had a volenteer??
poor kid, why couldn’t they have had a volunteer?
Thank you
Even the bible says having the blood of the innocents on your hands, God will not hear your prayers.
they must be getting desperate
Horrible. I wish God would see fit to take these savage, low life, off this earth so God loving ppl could live in peace. Poor kid
what are you crying for , you$#%&!@*!!!!!! dont you want to see your 72 virgins ????