The decorated war veteran, Chris Marquez is fortunate the wounds from the beating he took will heal. Marquez chose to ignore a group of taunting teens who were baiting him with the questions, “Do black lives matter?”
All this Marine wanted was a meal at MacDonald’s and what he got was a trip to the hospital. Fortunately, there is surveillance footage that the DC Metropolitan Police Department has released, which may help catch the thugs who did this.
The disturbing footage shows one of the suspects following the victim out of the McDonald’s and striking him in the back of the head, seemingly knocking him unconscious.
Marquez reports, “They asked me if I believe that black lives matter.” There is an obvious agenda in this line of questioning and Marquez recognized he could be in trouble. He stated, “I felt threatened and thought they were trying to intimidate me, so I figured I’m just going to keep to my food, eat my food, and hopefully they’ll leave me alone. And because I wasn’t respond back to them, they were calling me a racist.”
The surveillance footage can be found on the next page.
Joseph Barker Thank you. I pray more people read your true statment.
Mary Claybern, every word, and names you said are true. Obama has flooded our government with Muslims. He is not for the whites and he is not for the blacks. He is living for a Muslim take-over of American. Don’t anyone be fooled, his plan is to take our county and give it to the Muslims. Just as the Muslims are slowly taking over other countrys. The end result is a MUSLIM WORLD. This is their plan. ALLAH or SATAN take-over. Are they winning? You tell me.
To busy inviting blacklives matter to the White House and telling them how proud he is of them!!
this is attempted Murder period.