The flower power movement never died, it’s just coming out of its latest acid-fueled stupor. A Portland, Oregon-based (really, where else would this come from?) folk singer has announced his plan to soften the hearts of ISIS with folk ballads and good old-fashioned love, maaan.
But doesn’t this epitomize the entire attitude the Left has with regard to foreign policy? Peace, love, and just this old six-string, and we’ll be brothers all over again. It’s sweet to think there are still Americans who think that singing songs of brotherly love to people who kill babies on a daily basis will somehow touch the hearts of the killers. They’ll lay down their arms, the migrants can go back home, and we’ll just have a laugh about the whole thing.
But if a private citizen wants to try something new, who are we to stop him? What if it works? Wouldn’t that be something to sing about.
Read more about this poor soul on page 2.
good one
no they believe music is evil..heck everything that is creative they consider “bad”
Is he going to join them while he is there?!!!
Stop with the labels does it really matter.. Look in the mirror were all proud American’s ..liberal – conservative were going to all need each other as Isis and there scumbag kind infiltrate our country so load your guns and let’s all ban together, when they try to chop your families heads off and someone help’s you defend your family will it matter if there. L or C come on!!!!!!
I know that nature weeds out the genetically weaker minded among us by allowing them to carry out their ill-conceived plans. But, I kind of feel sorry for this poor sap. Shouldn’t we somehow try and deny him the right to do this? Obviously, along with about every single other libtard I know, they are not playing wth a full deck. Don’t we have an obligation to the mentally challenged folk among us?
And you are stupid enough to believe you are gonna walk out? Now that is a special kind of stupid.
When they take his head off he won’t be smiling
dead moron soon.