Instead of simply driving the illegals to an airport and flying them back to their country, which would cost for one-half of 1 percent of the $3.8 billion Obama wants – Obama wants to house the illegals at a cost of $250 per day per person.
Makes one think he doesn’t want to send them home, doesn’t it?
Most of his proposal is to pay living expenses. At the unofficial reported cost of $250 per person per day, President Barack Obama is proposing we spend $1.8 billion “to provide appropriate care for unaccompanied children.” That works out to 19,726 minors for a year. (The official term for them, written into federal statute, is “undocumented alien children.” Not undocumented immigrants, migrants or refugees. Those other terms are efforts at propaganda.)
In addition, Obama wants another $879 million “for detention and removal of apprehended undocumented adults traveling with children,” and “alternatives to detention programs” for these adults. He blends “removal” with “detention” to make it impossible to determine how many removals are planned.
If the money is all for detention, then the $250 per person reveals the plan is to house 9,632 adults for a year at taxpayers’ expense.
Combine 19,726 minors with 9,632 adults and you have 29,358 people. But it gets worse. The request is for a “supplemental appropriation.” In budget lingo, that typically means it’s for the current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. If these funds don’t cover a full year, either the cost per person is much higher or the number of people is much higher.
If the daily cost per person is less than $250, then the small city of illegal aliens we’re supporting will be larger than 29,358.
Although Obama asks for lots of money to take care of people permanently, he gives zero details about a timeframe for deporting or repatriating any of the persons involved.
The $250 a day figure compares with the $667 one-way cost of an airline ticket from McAllen, Texas, to Guatemala City, Guatemala, according to both Orbitz and Priceline. The combined airfare for 29,358 passengers would be $19.6 million. That is one-half of 1 percent of President Obama’s overall $3.8 billion request. Volume discounts and government rates would yield even lower fares. But even without discounts, sending everyone home right away saves taxpayers 99.5 percent!
Send them home. DEPORT NOW…..
send them back
And then we could MAKE SURE they go back, instead of hoping they will show up for DEPORTATION hearings ( which we know DAMN WELL they wont) !!! The taxpayers are tired of being BROKE !!!! and we have plenty of citizens that are homeless and hungry that are LEGAL CITIZENS !!!
Yucks Nasty Bastards & their freaking diseases Deport them all . Not Wanted on american soil!!!!
The ‘bleeding-heart’ liberals want to take all these ILLEGAL children under their wings and care for them…AT AMERICA’S EXPENSE (3.8b) They don’t seem to see the ‘big picture’ of them growing up into teens and then adults…by that time they will be so used to being taken care of they ‘ll all be on welfare! I see nothing but disaster ahead for them and for America !
Truth and Action I wish you would delete the comments about shooting them. That is not who Republicans and patriots are or what we stand for. You are allowing people to believe the false stereotypes about republicans. That is not helping our cause. Too many of these political pages are allowing those types of comments.
Yep, that makes sense but that is nearly impossible for a Liberal !
They pieces of human waste April. …we eradicate disease..they bring it back. Soon this will be Mexico North…How did they get here? Send their assets back the same way they came! Again to April Gehring…would you care to adopt these human beings?
It looks as though this was Obama’s plan all along, to destroy America from within by bringing all these illegal children here to usurp and abuse our welfare and humanitarian programs to the point of extinction!