Financial backlash is just one of the consequences facing Target due to the transgender bathroom policy. The pubic is holding its ground in their boycott and it is affecting Target’s bottom line and the fight is on-going.
Boycotting can be a very powerful weapon in a free market economy, declared Truth and Action. Voting with your feet — and your wallet — by refusing to pay for a company’s goods or services has long been a persuasive tool of citizens in capitalist societies. Consumers have boycotted businesses for everything from political views held by the company’s CEO, to where a company manufactures its products, to the corporation’s policies towards its employees or its patrons.
One movement that is gaining traction is #FlushTarget. Their website states that the opposition to the Target policy is not against transgender persons, but rather a stand against sexual predators, who will, in fact, use this policy to harm women and children.
Read more about the #FlushTarget and view the video on the following page.
Bathroom Barry’s Tranies and pedophiles to target a school or shop near you. Get ready to “take a walk on the wild side” complements of Barry and his First Trany Michael.
Re Target article
Good spin on Target: We get is. Even though not stated in the article, Trany friendly trumps family and woman friendly and anyone living a straight life.
Here is what the future night life at Trany Target stores will look like
variation of the same below
Target CEO Defends Pro-Transgender Policy, Stocks Crash Down Another $2 Billion
Here’s where Target Trany anti woman, anti family friendly sex rooms are going, especially in the evenings where Trany’s will have a new legal openly gay hangout where it is a hate crime for any store employee manager police to disrupt the gayety.
Coming to a Target near you
Putin in one of the G20 meetings gave a speech that America was turning into Sodom and Gomorrah, while Obama went to St Petersburg to meet with the Trany set to say he was all in with their freedom to openly exhibit their sexual proclivities, flash their female penis without government or private sector restrictions as he and his Trany Pal he calls Michael have as a lead agenda in the US.
1.46 million viewers coming to a Target near you.
11.8 million Tranys viewers coming to a Target near you.
The Trany night life around 8th Avenue Port Authority NY and others coming to a Target near you.
Amsterdam and the Hague public parks at night coming to a Target near you
All these places that Andy Warhol types frequented when they were “slumming it” or those far out types at the disco bars flamboyance hanging out together mixing it with the laughing straights on the wild side are now democratizes open to the public by public decree.
But the question is, is the Barry Michael past Trany lifestile they are pushing on the society what women and families really want.
In Bangkok, Nana Entertainment, Patpong, Soi Cowboy, Spicy disco club, the many places foreigners and Thais hang, where often you can’t tell the women the ladyboys.
Sometimes I have a spicy noodle soup just down from Nana Entertainment (Soi 4) after the 7/11 and MacDonald’s on Sukhumvit Road, the main drag, up from Soi 2 with the JW Marriott on the corner. The kiosk is just outside a usually 24/7 drug store, selling many of the expensive prescription drugs you find in the U.S. At over the counter generic prices.
Many Tranies, ladyboys, around Nana Entertainment, which itself has bars with strip clubs etc, mostly girls, but some ladyboys only and at least 1 mixed. Sitting at the outside makeshift restaurant / kiosk that assembles 6 nights a week 8 pm to 2 am, typically later in the evening when most restaurants are closed and the Nana bars are closing a number of the bar girls will come for a noodle soup or the next kiosk chicken or pork with rice, as well as the lady boys. Usually the ladyboys are all made up in tight dresses swishing their hips with over exaggerated do female gestures, same as all the “walk on the wild side” conclaves everywhere you might go around the U.S., UK, EU, everywhere it’s not socially irksome. Then the voices are usually shrill chemically raise tone which is pretty obvious, but sometimes you find what appear to be real girls in the next fold up table and you really can’t tell. Besides that not all girls in the area are take home types. Besides the bars there are hundreds of shops selling cloths of every kind, gadgets, trinkets, anything and the staff of those shops also come for a midnight to 2 am snack. So you don’t know what you are seeing. It’s just a melding. After 2 am all the clothing kiosks close, pack up and leave the area, as simultaneously street bars with their Trany and female company line the streets from Soi Nana and Soi 4 to Soi 19 at Terminal 21 the Asoke BTS Skytrain station, which closed at midnight or a bit after for those with prepay cards.
But however open Thai society is for all this, nevertheless, it’s not normal that a ladyboy will go into a woman’s toilet or dressing or locker area, only actual Tranies. In Thailand a Trany is no longer a for the evening “he is a she.” A transgender in Thailand is actually a man who has had the full
blown transformation to a eunuch with external converted to an internal and all the drugs required to have breasts and female sounding voice – a legally designated third gender representing around 100,000 actual Tranies.
So there’s no men going into a woman’s area to aggressively flashing their “female penis” or come on to a woman claiming a lesbian affair without the Miley Cyrus$#%&!@*d***o, where woman girl resistance in the U.S. except Texas (including Houston), is no longer rape or molestation but a hate crime, where legally shop management may not report to the police or be sued for a Trany hate crime, and in any case the police can no longer treat such attacks as crimes at all.
So what’s happening is that thousands of years of biological realities and imperatives are now rejected for a requirement that a Sodom and Gomorrah psychosis is the legally required and criminally enforced imperative.
So quite literally the Andy Worhol / Lou Reed lifestyle has now been been thrust on every business and Church, where only the forced influx of Islam welcomes and condones Hollywood promotion and school teachers enforcement of pedophilia.
AMERICA WANTS TRUMP…..Make America Great Again!
… target must feel that their decision is worth defending .. even if it costs them $billions … so keep it up everyone .. let them eat those $billions .. there are plenty of other places to shop .. but there’s only one kind of consumer ….
I called Target Customer Service today to Close my account…, F**K their Transgender Bathroom policy. When the Customer Service rep answered, I denoted an accent. I asked the rep where he was located, he said they are in Nicaragua. I told him to transfer me to a Customer Service rep in the UNITED STATES. When my call was transferred, I asked that representative where THEY were located, he said Arizona. I then told him I wanted to close my Target Account. He asked why? I told him that Target can take their Transgender Bathroom b******t and go$#%&!@*themselves……. Account Closed ! Target ALSO needs to keep jobs in AMERICA.
I hope you go bankrupt Target!
I stopped shopping there when they hired muslins and bacon purchases had to use a different checkout.
Portapotties for all!!
That’s illogical. Sorry,$#%&!@* put on some gloves and run it through the scanner.
Boycotting these store and waiting for them to close done with them.