The nation isn’t set to vote on what direction it will take for the next four years until November, but the powers that be are already moving to influence where it goes.
2016 will be remembered as the year in which the political establishment spit in the face of average Americans to ram through candidates it preferred. Not just because of their proven efforts to undermine the candidacies of both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, but also because of the naked attempts to rig congressional elections in such places as Florida.
Although voters in the Sunshine State weren’t set to cast their ballots until yesterday, Republican congressional candidate Laurel Bennett discovered that she lost her bid for office thanks to WPTV, an NBC affiliate that aired what it claimed to be the results of the election. How they reached that conclusion when not a single Floridian had cast their ballot when the station aired the report during the weekend is anybody’s guess.
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Rick , Anonymous. White Republicans have no right to solicit the black vote.
“White Republicans have no right to solicit the black vote. The black voter is the paid property of the Democrat Party and is expected to do as told. The Democrats have labored for decades to destroy opportunities for blacks, to downgrade black schools, and confine the blacks to singing, playing basketball , and going on welfare. All the slaves are required to do is vote Democrat. The GOP ended slavery, but the Democrats have brought it back.”
Rick Steele, I so agree with you!
Tell Trump to babysit this location in November.
Just practicing for the big one in Nov!
she knows the fix is in. your vote ??? ha ha ha
This is put fraud. Someone needs to go to prison.
I guess her Chrystal ball needs to be recalibrated, as it is way off and way early.
Florida, California, New York, who can tell the difference?
ahhh the home of the hanging chads