The nation isn’t set to vote on what direction it will take for the next four years until November, but the powers that be are already moving to influence where it goes.
2016 will be remembered as the year in which the political establishment spit in the face of average Americans to ram through candidates it preferred. Not just because of their proven efforts to undermine the candidacies of both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, but also because of the naked attempts to rig congressional elections in such places as Florida.
Although voters in the Sunshine State weren’t set to cast their ballots until yesterday, Republican congressional candidate Laurel Bennett discovered that she lost her bid for office thanks to WPTV, an NBC affiliate that aired what it claimed to be the results of the election. How they reached that conclusion when not a single Floridian had cast their ballot when the station aired the report during the weekend is anybody’s guess.
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need to redo election-this is getting really damn sickening
Expect nothing less from Florida.
Dirty tricks democrats.
That is what democrats do.
Rick , With that thinking , I guess we should not expect any less from Nevada either & two DNC Workers died over this c**p….Just saying from Florida myself !!!——————————->> Clinton Nevada voting illegals
Clinton Nevada voting illegals…——->>>>On Live TV & I watched it happen !!—>>What really bothers me right now , is the fact she got away again with illegals/unregistered Mexicans voting in the Nevada when she debated Bernie Sanders there. The Nevada Pollster was bitching loudly about this fact & she said…” these people are not registered to vote & can not vote “….responce back was by a Clinton Campaign worker …” they have to vote first & then we will register them “……This was on live TV cause I heard every word of it when it happened !!! This reminds me of Nancy Pelosi——” we got to pass the bill before we know whats in the bill “….i.e. OBAMA CARE !!!…………….So what i’m saying is , in Washington state /Oregon / Virginia / California / North East better have some ….” Watch Dogs ” over seeing this vote in Nov 2016…………Oh , no Black Panthers need apply at ALL !!!! And the Founding Fathers are now literally turning over in their graves…
The 14th Amendment:
“when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime.”
Clearly identifies the “right to vote” as being that of a citizen of the US.
Besides the 51 deceased people , this includes Benghazi 4 & now the U.N. President that was so supposed to testify against her too , yesterday their was a Democrat in the party that was going to ” whistle blow ” voting fraud this year & now this young guy is dead mysteriously & it was on FB today . So that is a total of 53 deceased people under the Clinton machine !!! I’m wondering if it is about this that I saw / heard on TV Primary LIVE Nevada against Bernie Sanders !!
Rick Steele , ANOTHER YOUNG MAN Found DEAD After Serving DNC With Papers In Fraud Suit On Behalf Of Bernie Sanders [VIDEO]
That’s the third suspicious death of a man tied in some way to Hillary. Does anyone in law enforcement have an accurate body count of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary? We recently questioned the suspicious murder of 27 year old Democrat Data Director Seth Rich, as he was walking home through his affluent Washington DC neighborhood. He was beaten and shot in the back, but apparently nothing of any value was taken from his body, which would likely mean robbery was not a motive. If robbery wasn’t a motive and the police still have no clues…what exactly was the motive for his brutal murder? In our previous article, we explored the possibility that he may have been about to blow the whistle on voter fraud. Does anyone have an actual tally of the number of people who had ties to the Clintons that ended up dead?
Now Bernie Sanders supporter and activist Shawn Lucas is found dead.
On July 3, 2016, Shawn Lucas and filmmaker Ricardo Villaba served the DNC Services Corp. and Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz at DNC’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., in the fraud class action suit against the Democrat Party on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters.
Shawn Lucas was thrilled about serving the papers to the DNC before Independence Day.
According to Snopes Lucas was found dead on his bathroom floor.
We contacted Lucas’ employer on 4 August 2016 to ask whether there was any truth to the rumor. According to an individual with whom we spoke at that company, Shawn Lucas died on 2 August 2016. The audibly and understandably shaken employee stated that interest in the circumstances of Lucas’ death had prompted a number of phone calls and other queries, but the company had not yet ascertained any details about Lucas’ cause of death and were unable to confirm anything more than the fact he had passed away.
An unconfirmed report holds that Lucas was found lying on the bathroom floor by his girlfriend when she returned home on the evening of 2 August 2016. Paramedics responding to her 911 call found no signs of life.
** This was before Wikileaks released documents proving the DNC was working against the Sanders campaign during the 2016 primary.
Shawn Lucas was found dead this week.
Rick , Bernie Sanders sell out !!
It seems ole’ Bernie Sanders is not shedding a tear over ” Shawn Lucas /Staffer of his !! Ole’ Bernie is enjoying his $600,000 k & a ” NEW HOME ” from Hillary ! This is now 3 homes he owns & he is in debt $65 k & only has a Vermont Senator’s salary !! Well , his second wife was ” THEY ” Accountant for Burlington College & ” NOW ” ! the college is Bankrupt !!…..hmmmm !!! I guess 2+2 = one new home at least !!! From what I’m hearing his supporters are leaving him for the reason of this post !! ole’ Bernie has turned out to be a ” Greedy Socialist ” Freebi for the ” Peoples Republic of Sanders ” actually ” NO DIFFERENT THAN THE REST ” Sell Out !!!!!! ———————————————————————— This was all planned to begin with !! We all knew Bernie running was a joke & actually a spur for Hillary she thought !!
Rick , DNC conspired and colluded against Bernie Sanders & deaths ————————————————————————- So let me get this straight :
WikiLeaks releases over 20,000 e-mails which prove that Hillary Clinton
and the DNC conspired and colluded against Bernie Sanders – the Democrat primaries
were rigged .
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigns in disgrace, and before the ink is even dry , Hillary Clinton
appoints her to be Co-Chair of her campaign.
Then Barack Obama’s DOJ files charges against WikiLeaks for ” electronic terrorism ” , in order to
protect Hillary Clinton and the DNC – instead of praising WikiLeaks for exposing the corruption
and alerting the American people to the ” massive fraud ” taking place in our election process ??
Then V.P. Joe Biden actually called WikiLeaks …” High Tech Terrorist ” .
The ” cherry on top ” of that corruption , immediately after that :
Two potential DNC ” whistle blowers “(Seth Rich / Voter Expansion Director & Shawn Lucas , Bernie Sanders , Staffer ) were murdered inside & out side their apartments shot in the back .
Their personal belongings cash/jewelry ect., All left in tact ! (Well sure as Hell was not a mugging.)
The best part ?!?
Virtual silence from the media !
It took a week & half for G.M.A. to say anything on Seth Rich & nothing on Shawn Lucas at all !!!
They did try to blame it on the Russians & Donald Trump for all of it !!!
This is how the Democrat Party rolls !!!!!!!
Rick , KEEP IN MIND THE PAKISTANIES HID BIN LADEN AND 911 WAS PLANNED ON 8 YRS OF BILL CLINTONS TERM!!!!!!!!!!!According to the Beaumont newspaper and reports from a couple of Beaumont TV stations this really happened.
Why did Hillary REALLY visit Beaumont, Texas – Got to read this!!
Hillary Clinton made a campaign stop yesterday in Beaumont, Texas.
Only six people were there to greet her. Her security detail outnumbered her supporters by quite a bit. She wouldn’t talk, wave to or even acknowledge those there to greet her. So bad as that is, it’s not the real story here. The real story is who she took a private meeting with. After landing, Clinton headed off to a fundraiser in West Beaumont, where she was greeted by around 150-200 Muslims, most of whom were of Pakistani origin. The event was held by Pakistani businessman Tahir Javed and Hillary raised approximately $500,000 by pandering to Muslims, making it “one of the top five private fundraiser’s Clinton has had in this country.” She’s bought and paid for by them.
Spread this far and wide.
You will not see it on national news but this is what is going on.
please share
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