City council members in Riviera Beach City, FL voted 4-1 on Wednesday to rename the section of Old Dixie Highway that running through their city to ‘Barack Obama Highway’.
Old Dixie Highway is a Palm Beach County road, meaning that the county will have to approve of the name change.
You can probably guess why the city council seeks to change the name…
Why does it have to change???
So you’re renaming the highway because of it being decisive to another name that is even more decisive?!!!
IT Will all change when he gets in Office believe me
must be muslem and unamerican
They can change it back now
Once they name it the Obama Highway can we all stand and block it up playing in traffic, or smash/burn it and anything on it then have no charges brought to us?
good i dont like florida
Why not call it$#%&!@*Street
He would be just as happy if they named it Muslim road.