Florida Atlantic University Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor Bassem Al Halabi, a known associate of Sami Al-Arian, a Palestinian Islamic leader, is facing scrutiny regarding his Muslim-friendly stance on Sharia law and its potential implementation here in America.
In America, this practice is cruel and unusual, but it is one strictly adhered to law in the Muslim community. The punishments for violating Sharia laws include: cutting off various limbs, stoning, rape, slavery and death. With these barbaric practices in place, it’s no wonder there is Islamaphobia running rampant all over the world. The responses from the crowd during his short speech on the benefits of such extreme punishments can be found on the next page.
he is a disgusting horrific piglike fpos.
And why is he still employed? Why even not in prison?
Protect your youth.
Evil bastard
Not here in USA
Sounds more like assault to me. We cannot tolerate people breaking the law. Anyone who does such a thing should be arrested and PAY PUNITIVE damages to the victim.
This barbaric heathen is shaping the minds of our young people! Do you think something should be done about those who have been hired to teach in our universities and bringing their savage and backward cultural beliefs here?!??
This my friends is what you have to look forward to . If you like it, keep tearing our country apart.
Get rid of that murdering, raping, lying, abusive, child molesting, wife beating, and animal abusing, lying piece of pig fat. Shows he is not assimilating and is still buying into sharia. Deport that idiot before he puts his idea into motion. See that is what 1952 means.
Get the hell out of here now