According to the video below, Bassam believes that Sharia law evokes enough fear into the masses that it is proven to lower crimes levels in Islamic states. Bassam has plead guilty to battery in the past and was ordered to complete anger management courses. He has also been tied to the exportation of thermal imagining devices to Syria. He says:
“But if it takes one or two people to have their hands cut off and then there is no more stealing in the whole nation, that’s a much better solution than having hundreds of people die every day.”
To see more about his stance on these laws, watch the full video below.
I would not be surprised that One day soon True American will say enough is enough and stand strong.. and no longer put up with foreign people trying to take apart this country’s democracy.
Winston Churchill said “Individual Muslims may show splindid qualities but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” That is still true today. Bill Whorton
Why and how is any Muslim or Islamic teaching getting inyo society when it’s totally anti-American. It must be bc people dont know what America is.
I would rather have Mexicans and Spanish people here than them because they come and want to work where we work and do good for their families there is good and bad in every race and all people bleeds red but damn isis beliefs are from the stone age and they need to go back to where they came from and try to make their country a better place than invading others simple as that deport them back where they come from or put them in camps too if they don’t have the right to be here at all