In the latest episode of Leftist Lunacy, a man in Florida was ordered by the county to keep the smell and smoke generated by grilling BBQ on his own property.
You read that right, Pinellas County Environmental Specialist Joe Graham was called to the property of Scotty Jordan and told him that it is illegal to allow both the smoke and smell of BBQ to leave his property and drift onto the property of his neighbors.
See Video Following Page:
Whaaaaaat? Just how stupid is that.
I really worry about the sanity of our leaders. How do these dummies get into office?
Got to keep the slaves in line, Police, CIA, FBI, Airport security, DEA, , Boarder Patrol, ATF, Wild life patrol, Park patrol, Court house search, NSA, Home Land Security, to mention a few!
Really. Get the hell out if you can’t adjust to the way if life here.
Next they will have the Flatulence Police, because there are a bunch of assholes in America…
Our country has gone insane. In the effort to keep anyone from being offended, we are all becoming prisoners with no personal liberty.
Should have smashed his radio and bbq-ed him. “No body came by here”.
Well,they stop prayer,so anything else don’t surprise me.get the hell out of her Obama and take us Muslims with u.y’all affend us.
f**k youu asshole