When you think of police you might think of someone who does his best to better his community. Someone who fights crime, someone who cares about his fellow citizens. Now imagine someone using his privileges as a cop to spread his bigotry and abuse those he’s supposed to protect. Now imagine this cop is a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
This is just what happened a few months ago in Florida, when a group of racist Klan cops planned to vent their bigotry on an unwitting man who did nothing to them.
What they planned to do will make you seriously angry.
Who cares
The justice of the peace shine deal with this not terrorists.
Not evolution, Adam and eve weren’t white. You have no proof of evolution so you can’t honestly say it. Evolution is a religion, not science. The continents were all one continent before it split.
I bet more inmates are thinking about killing prison guards then the other way around, just saying still what evil lies in the hearts of man, shall lead to his own destruction. Hate what is evil.
Sounds like bullsh#t to stir up more civil unrest!
The NSA playing the population like a game of the Sims. ICReach.
Ya, but evolution has been proven, it applies to every species on are world(why would humans be different). That life will adapted to their environment in order to survive. There’s also scientific variations. Adam and eve as the bible states were the first perfect humans. Also that bible states that God didn’t only create man.
You my friend are the pathetic. Poor white trash
Let me tell you something stay out of there way Obama brought this on him self.He has been wanting to do this for sometime now.Let them do there thing.