When you think of police you might think of someone who does his best to better his community. Someone who fights crime, someone who cares about his fellow citizens. Now imagine someone using his privileges as a cop to spread his bigotry and abuse those he’s supposed to protect. Now imagine this cop is a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
This is just what happened a few months ago in Florida, when a group of racist Klan cops planned to vent their bigotry on an unwitting man who did nothing to them.
What they planned to do will make you seriously angry.
STOP, calling that black piece of c**p sharpton, ,,,,REV.
Lori what’s up with you cover . My flag needs to always fly up and proud if not a lot of people won’t listen let alone agree with you.
I’m all for the Confederate flag, but against these racist grouips like the KKK, NAACP, and Black Panthers.
I don’t agree with the KKK but then The Black Panthers seem to do any thing they want and no one says anything about that. I was told that it was ok for them to do that because its fredom of speach, now isn’t that a joke?
Amazing how much people feed into this. All these groups trying to start a fight, working for the global agenda.
It’s not just in law enforcement..there are civilians walking the streets of Florida, and every other state in the nation. I know of one.
Same as it ever was !!!
Bill Donadini, I am displaying proper etiquette by flying the flag upside down. The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. We are a nation in distress, if anything this should grab people’s attention and make them listen even more closely. Being the daughter of a Vietnam veteran who also served on the American Legion’s 9th district Honor Guard, I know proper flag etiquette. Thank you for showing honest concern for possible disrespect for our flag!! http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagcode.htm
Oh my gosh”, this happened many years ago”, I guess the liberal will try anything.
Hey you hooded morons , panthers , White this, black that , brown whatever !!! There are plenty of people out there that us all. Just for being Americans. They don’t care about color , money , or whatever. They hate us just for being AMERICANS!!!!!!! So save your hate , anger , and violence for them!!! Soon you will need it ! UNITE!!