When you think of police you might think of someone who does his best to better his community. Someone who fights crime, someone who cares about his fellow citizens. Now imagine someone using his privileges as a cop to spread his bigotry and abuse those he’s supposed to protect. Now imagine this cop is a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
This is just what happened a few months ago in Florida, when a group of racist Klan cops planned to vent their bigotry on an unwitting man who did nothing to them.
What they planned to do will make you seriously angry.
looks like they got an upgrad,are they wearing silk sheets? and in color,hope they and the black panthers drop off the face of the earth
I see you Globalists. You can’t hide behind sheets.
My suggestion; gather All so-called Racist Hate Groups…Across the Board. Sell tickets..and allow them to have a “Last Man Standing”, battle Royal…in LA’s Colosium…! PPV…WORLD-WIDE TV….at $100.00/ connection. Money goes to Balancing the Federal Budget.
Winners Take All…then repeat..in 12 months. $$$$$$$$$$…Ga-Zillion viewers…Guarantee It. *****
this is terrible. The US is imploding and there’s nothing anyone can do.
I would be curious as to what the charges were against the prisoner. Was he someone that didn’t need to be let back out into society? Was he yet another example of the failure of the justice system? Before making judgements, let’s find out the whole story.
I’m sick and tired of all the racism in this country, but look at who promotes it the most…Barak Obama, Michelle Obama, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, etc. Racism has escalated since Obama came to the White House!
Why won’t you show your faces, you stinken cowards? Go burn your house and not a cross. You are a bunch of miserable snakes.
I thought bed bath and beyond had quit selling white sheets.
Glad they were found out, keep up the good work.
These groups are not helping any more than the panthers and our Obama supporters. We are being attacked, but this is not the way to fight back.