When you think of police you might think of someone who does his best to better his community. Someone who fights crime, someone who cares about his fellow citizens. Now imagine someone using his privileges as a cop to spread his bigotry and abuse those he’s supposed to protect. Now imagine this cop is a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
This is just what happened a few months ago in Florida, when a group of racist Klan cops planned to vent their bigotry on an unwitting man who did nothing to them.
What they planned to do will make you seriously angry.
I don’t agree with or even like the KKK ,BUT they are not the only hate group out there … Let’s not forget about.
The Black Panthers.
The Black congressional caucus.
Jesse Jackson’s group.
Rev. Al and his bunch .
La Raza.
What about The Black Panthers ?!?!?! Get rid of all of them !!
Good luck
Kind of ironic this propaganda is being posted after all of the racial tensions don’t u think? U hear nothing of black violence on whites for the most part but when we start to take a stand stuff like this posted. Pathetic!!!!
Democrats very racist. They use the race card to collect votes
Hate Pride Bitterness Vengeance Cruelty is so uncalled for abd Never bribgs Justice Peace or a SOLUTION
The kkk is a terrorist racist group, and should be banned, and their people should be arrested and jailed for terrorism. on the other hand, the black panthers are exactly a mirror image of the kkk. the only differrence being the color of their skin. they all should be arrested and put in prison. aren’t we supposed to be conducting a war against terrorism, foriegn or domestic?
What makes me, this American, angry is the Black Panthers; of the two, I would take the KKK at least they don’t should kill all whites.
Dana, perhaps Seth has the same sentiments as you.
$#%&!@*le for tat….What about black panther party attacking people by race?
Stick it!