When you think of police you might think of someone who does his best to better his community. Someone who fights crime, someone who cares about his fellow citizens. Now imagine someone using his privileges as a cop to spread his bigotry and abuse those he’s supposed to protect. Now imagine this cop is a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
This is just what happened a few months ago in Florida, when a group of racist Klan cops planned to vent their bigotry on an unwitting man who did nothing to them.
What they planned to do will make you seriously angry.
What? Loot, burn the town down, invoke “white lives matter”…. Who do they think they are!?!? Minorities???
I see target practice
But the Black Panthers’ actions and plans and public statements to kill whites doesn’t make people angry? WTF. Wake up: decent people of every color are at war with racist Black groups, crazy libtards, and musies.
I agree 100% Jack. I wish both groups would go away.
When you did not live back in the days of the kkk do not even go there you do not know, history is just as real as ho ever told it. Are they trust worthy????it is just like all our clubs, churches, political parties , government etc, all start for a good reason but then they let empty knock heads in and spoil the good part it was designed for,
The kkk are morons… if they trace their roots they will find that they are not PURE WHITE. So their actions are just ignorant
Im pissed so im gonna get in this again. If they are SO PROUD then why do the cowards hide behind a sheet… really guys your a little to old to be playing Casper with yo momma sheets..
Probably the same amount of officers that belong to the kkk
I agree with Jack Lynn 100%
they don’t represent me and my heritage they are racist