The liberals keep defending the indefensible. They tell us that illegal aliens (oops, not supposed to use that hate-filled term…let’s call them Criminal Foreigners) are not filling our prisons, causing crime waves, and racking up use of our entitlement system.
Well, take a look at one example on the next page:
Try using sources with links that work and have reliable factual information.
If you be Illegal – you do not deserve benefits . illegal IS Illegal !
What is up with all these people protesting to get rid of all these people sucking the life out of the american people! If you want to come here do it legally!
Why is it so easy for these people to get welfare and food stamps when some true American citizens and senior citizens can’t get this needs investigation
That would be way to much work for a government worker
Meanwhile our US vets are homeless and are dying.
All of the rats are hiding under the umbrella of Welfare
Round’em up ship’em out
Hard to believe isn’t it??? Right!!!!
No wonder we’re in shape we in… supporting these losers