The liberals keep defending the indefensible. They tell us that illegal aliens (oops, not supposed to use that hate-filled term…let’s call them Criminal Foreigners) are not filling our prisons, causing crime waves, and racking up use of our entitlement system.
Well, take a look at one example on the next page:
Shouldn’t be hard to find them!!!
Funny how the democrats support these criminals ….
hey……………….drug dealers gotta eat too……………
Deport them. Problem solved. They are sucking us dry no matter what so at least spend the money deporting them
Just a huge shock! Makes me want to puke that my taxes when to this illegal scumbag. How even made it to this country is a travesty!
Of course they are, why else do they come here?
Get them off now!!
Yea no job , plenty of time to buy and sell drugs and tax tayers pay him,
shut them down.
Ya think we may have a problem with our welfare system?