The liberals keep defending the indefensible. They tell us that illegal aliens (oops, not supposed to use that hate-filled term…let’s call them Criminal Foreigners) are not filling our prisons, causing crime waves, and racking up use of our entitlement system.
Well, take a look at one example on the next page:
How does this happen
How can they get free$#%&!@*if their illegal ???
“Their illegal” what?
his lawyer’s got a bit o work cut out for him.
Lawyer will work for food stamps now. By the way, they’re no longer called food stamps – they’re called some initials so nobody will figure they are on food stamps.
That’s a shocker
Bullet to this shitbags head!
Sell all he has and put it back in the pot so more can go to the vets
Illegal aliens should not be getting food stamps or welfare in the first place. If it was not a free ride here perhaps they would not come in illegally. We have enough trouble with our own people using these benefits when they should be working. Illegal is illegal and not entitled to any benefits.
Why are illegals getting food stamps and welfare? Do you think Mexico is going to give you welfare in their country? $#%&!@*no.