The liberals keep defending the indefensible. They tell us that illegal aliens (oops, not supposed to use that hate-filled term…let’s call them Criminal Foreigners) are not filling our prisons, causing crime waves, and racking up use of our entitlement system.
Well, take a look at one example on the next page:
Hey college kids wake up.what are you getting.
Don’t think there aren’t plenty more just like him. If we only knew!
Buh bye!!!
Not much of a kingpin if he bothers with foodstamps
Illegals should be immediately removed from all public assistance and immediately deported!
There goes the liberal argument they don’t get food stamps lol
this is the kind of stuff that needs to stop – we need to do a better job of checking people out before handing over money and benefits especially seeing as food stamps as they are suppose to be just temporary
Here you go..