The liberals keep defending the indefensible. They tell us that illegal aliens (oops, not supposed to use that hate-filled term…let’s call them Criminal Foreigners) are not filling our prisons, causing crime waves, and racking up use of our entitlement system.
Well, take a look at one example on the next page:
Ship him out!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day of celebration!
Throw the book at them
Make him pay back every penny plus interest
Keep rounding them up
Duh! This is what people have been saying for years but nobody had the guts to do anything about it – until now!
Interesting as the MSM lies unravel.
You know “she” or is gonna be a she soon, voted Hillary.
How do they get the welfare when they are illegal?????
Were talking about illegal immigrants there mr educated . Not legal, before you$#%&!@*anyone else out. Get your facts straight.