The liberals keep defending the indefensible. They tell us that illegal aliens (oops, not supposed to use that hate-filled term…let’s call them Criminal Foreigners) are not filling our prisons, causing crime waves, and racking up use of our entitlement system.
Well, take a look at one example on the next page:
Obama let every illegal immigrant get freebies with out the proper screening and this one of the reasons they’re coming by the plan , trains and boat loads.
People look who started this all the Rothschild’s, George Soros,Rockefellers, the 1%. These people are dividing us all. From old man Bush ,the Clinton’s,Obama are puppets to these luciferions. The only way to stop it is start at the top.Take them down brick by brick an smash them. Remember evil never sleeps we need to be on our game.
How in the hell did he get food stamps in the first place??? That issuing a fancy needs to be brought under fire by the state ag along with the rest of them.
Nothing new .
Do Not waste the money on a trail!! Once you put them in that arena we are paying for everything including their attorney’s that will file appeal after appeal. It will take years. Plus we will be feeding them and providing medical care for their time in prison.
They are not American citizens and are stealing from us.
Take DNA, fingerprints, palm prints, toe prints, photos and label them as a Criminal against the United States. Deport them with documentation in hand stating that they have been labeled as such a criminal and if they are found within the borders of the United States they will be put to death.
No trail! No death row! For them being found inside the US again means they are instantly guilty and the penalty is death. Then send them home one last time.
They get it through their kids that are born here. How sad that we let this happen to our country.
Thats a bald face lie… many of u obviously have never explored the immigration process.. you by law have to have a sponsor who makes 125% above the poverty level to even be considered for immigration, unless u are a soldier…they will deny u benefits straight out.. and contact your sponsor for assistance/follow up.. the sponsor signs a contract with the US government for the life of the immigrant or until the immigrant has worked 40 quarters in the US economy(10 years for u who cant do math)..
so stop spreading this trash across Truth and Action… this group is for progressive Americans.. not narrow minded back patters… its 2017.. stop that c**p. internet is free.. go to official/government sites and get the facts and help educate others about the Truth.
Fix the problem stop handing out $ to people that r not citizens make them go back where they come from end the BS take care of Americans 1st