The liberals keep defending the indefensible. They tell us that illegal aliens (oops, not supposed to use that hate-filled term…let’s call them Criminal Foreigners) are not filling our prisons, causing crime waves, and racking up use of our entitlement system.
Well, take a look at one example on the next page:
Our welfare system is completely broken. Even those on it know how to work the system. Remove anyone first and foremost who is not a US citizen. Remove them immediately. We don’t owe them notification. They need to pay it back. Then restructure current system so that everyone currently on welfare has to reapply. Put limits on how many children welfare will cover. Must have father’s name so child support can be collected. Set up training programs that all welfare recipients must attend if they don’t have a job. Then they must have a job within 6 months of entering the welfare program. No more freebies. No more lifetime of welfare. No more lifetime of public assistance. There are jobs out there. Lower the cost of public transportation to those on welfare if they don’t have their own transportation to get to the job until they get on their feet. All applicants must go through drug tests. All approved applicants if children are involved are required to make children attend school. Open daycare’s using welfare recipients as personnel to watch the children of other welfare recipients while they work. Arrange ride sharing. Contact manufacturing companies to inquire about entry level position and bus people from housing to jobs. There are ways. There are always ways.
This just proves the liberal reddick about illegals not mooching off the system wrong.
Give them nothing
deport never be able to return here
Thank you Obama
Gee..see a pattern !?
Lock them up, ship them out of here
If illegals were not eligible for welfare or any other gov’t freebe’s America would not have an immigration promblem many would not come….FOLLOW THE MONEY